Monday, January 26, 2015

Coconut Curry Noodles

I have slowly been discovering the food blog "Mel's Kitchen Cafe."  I always seem to be surprised and delighted by what a find there!  (I can't wait to try out theses Brookies.... an amazing idea!)

In December, two other friends and I got together to make soup.  We each made three family sized servings of different soups.  The soups were great, but what I enjoyed the most was the leftovers we had for lunch!  I needed to know how to make Red Coconut Curry Noodles!

I made the recipe with regular linguini instead of rice noodles (because I'm cheap like that) and without the broccoli coleslaw (because Dan believes that broccoli coleslaw is a four letter word).   Since I used regular noodles I added an extra half a cup of chicken broth.


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